sparklefur on toyhouse; private message
sparklefurever on tumblr; ask, private message
discord; ask in above areas

My illustration commissions are open in these ranges:
Dec 1 to Feb 1
May 1 to ~August 16th
(pause in July!)
why these dates? because I'm a college student! however even after I graduate, I will keep these for consistency.
This means they're closed February, March, April, July, the latter half of August, September, October, and November.
they are NOT open except to friends any other times of the year. This is because I have college work. Please keep attention to this before asking c:
There IS one exception, however! Pixels are always open, all year!! Along with that, I may also post adopts on my toyhouse!

i do a fluctuating amount of slots per month. here is the status on those, they'll always be up to date!


These are subject to change without notice, so please review them before commissioning at any time!
You also understand that my terms of service only reflect my artwork, and should not be used to gauge another artist's boundaries.


To align with my general online rules, please do not commission me for anything if you are under 16.
If you are above that age and getting a safe commission to gift for someone younger, please don't show them my page. I just personally am not comfortable with younger people seeing my personal accounts, even SFW. Thanks for understanding.
As you will see below, I also sometimes take NSFW subjects. Obviously, you MUST be 18+ to get anything nude, sexual/fetish, or drug related; this can become a legal issue not to mention its extremely gross!! If you do not have an age in your bio somewhere I wont do NSFW subjects with you.Commissions are a luxury, not a necessity. I have the right to deny work for any reason, and you are not to pester me unless I am silent past the estimate i give you. be patient and kind. Do NOT haggle prices with me. They are final, and I will not cut prices for ANY reason.
I know that only I can fully understand my continuum of pricing, but here's some insight: it IS based on a $15/hr AVERAGE for each style, give and take. So, that's why double fullbody oc = entirely doubling the price (with half = half price, headshot = quarter price) , as each fullbody OC would add almost the entirety of those hours again to draw, giving me some grace here.
*re:patience: yes, I will post personal projects in between your own! I have the full right to do this, as commissions are WORK, and i will burn out or become stressed if i do not also do art completely for myself. If you have a problem with that, when i otherwise get your sketch update to you within a month, you aren't allowed to work with me.
Bigots cannot work with me in any way. This includes anything within the basic definition-- intolerance, hatred of others for identity/orientation, race, body, or religion. Personally expressing prejudiced views due to your religion disallows you from working with me. Exclusionists and transmedicalists, as well as TERFs and adjacent, are disallowed from working with me. I will be checking over your online history the first time you contact me for work. Be careful what you say online and how you treat different people.Harassers and predators cannot work with me in any way.
- Predation includes the premeditated intent to violate consent or consent laws. It includes engagement with communities which create social networking based around violation of consent, or fetishized depictions of such (so this includes actively being in a "pro paraphile" community, as well as actively being in a "pro fiction" community).
- Harassment includes repeated physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of any persons, along with any (e-)stalking, witchmobbing or spamming, even if done in "justice". Scammers are also not allowed, although this isn't Harassment lol it's absolutely not okay
*I will be checking your username for any sketchy history! Be up front with me if there are claims against you.
I investigate earnestly, and without kneejerk, I only go off of CONCRETE EVIDENCE for UNATONED FOR or CONTINUOUS WRONGDOING.
**Friend drama, even if severe, does not disallow me work with someone (unless they have a record of genuine, premeditated abuse, which is different from personal fights or ghosting, even if the latter sucks).
Disagreeable or "edgy" (yet not bigoted) online behavior does not disallow me work from someone. The time in which I will deny work is if the client actively tries to endanger others/revoke their consent, or is in such a community which encourages this mindset (see above). If you go so far to involve me in personal drama, I have the right to criticize how seriously i think it affects my work.
Be aware that I have my own mind and likely will not give you exactly what you want the first or second time around. You are asking for my interpretation, not your idea perfectly as you want it. Asking me to fix something more than 3 smaller revisions in a row for a project is an extra $3 charge per fix, while asking me to change the whole sketch is upwards of $10-20 in an added fee. I will only change a sketch, not anything lined or colored, and i will probably only do one sketch rehaul before ceasing work with you.
Please be kind and understanding. Do not chastise me for not "getting" you the first time when that is impossible; its completely your responsibility to provide and stick with important details before we begin. I may discontinue work if i feel I am changing too many times or you are being misunderstanding, because I will become discouraged in my skill. You will be refunded based on my progress on the drawing (if colored, you will not be refunded).
Of course I can change something for you so dont be afraid to get your money's worth!! But, also expect artistic liberty too and just be kind about it if something is wrong!
You are contacting me as a client and nothing more. Please do not strike up casual conversation with me. We politely discuss art or serious concerns only. Talking to me once or twice or being mutuals or whatever does not equal friendship in my eyes, and I can get uncomfortable enough to block over this.
If you haven't spoken about personal/non-art topics to me over a long period of time, we aren't friends, even if we are mutuals or have done many projects together. I'm sorry if this is rude, but I'm just not the kind of person who wants many friends or people talking to me all the time!
As you will see below, my art/designs may be edited minorly and respectfully, so long as you take responsibility for your edits. However, I do not consent to my artwork being used for commercial AI work because this is not minor nor is it respectful. If you are testing a personal AI model, I cannot stop you, as I cannot stop any personal/private behavior. Just do not publicly redistribute the work.I do not want any sort of involvement in NFT work as well. I consider NFT work unethical and uncomfortable. Do not use my artwork as any sort of basis to create an NFT.Details are not annoying! Unless you want me to go ham on your piece...potentially in a way that you must plan ahead your idea and give me any details you can about what you'd like!
You MUST have visual reference for pre-existing characters. Customs must be well described, and I appreciate image inspirations such as "aesthetic" pics or music for them. You can also of course use pictures for items or inspiration for pre-existing ocs as well!
Please know your artist. Do not come to me for realistic, accurately humanoid and/or very refined artwork when all my examples show messy, often saturated anthro art.
My art is also mainly pretty cute, because that's just what I like, but I can work with more creepy/gross characters too as long as you don't mind some cuteness x)
You are allowed to commission as many times you want within the frame of them being open. thank you for your support!!


You may personally use commissions, but NOT commercially. You are not to give to third-party sellers. I do understand that sometimes art is stolen without anyone's power to stop it, but if I find you profiting from any of my work, you'll be blacklisted and reported on your platform. I have no contract over my work so I am relying on trust.
I will outline what I consider personal use below.
To personally use without partaking in...essentially art theft, you have to visibly credit back to a platform of mine or this carrd in your bio or page!OK WITH FULL CREDIT: toyhouse upload, profile picture, personal merch/shirt, avatar/pngtuber, banner, nightcore cover art/amv art, anything else not below i guess!NOT OK: merchandise produced for sale, artwork heavily used in projects where you profit from (minor use is ok, such as monetized YouTube video where it's shortly there, but if the art is a huge asset or focus, it is not allowed to be used), commercial AI based off my work, NFTYou are allowed to make minor edits of my work without my permission. HOWEVER, you must link the original somewhere (you dont have to upload it- just a link will do), and directly state that you are responsible for any edit and that I did not review it---
Of course, as a freelancer, I am happy to work with you on your merch, game, show etc. (i can't animate though!)
however, I must be paid a fair fraction for sales. So it can't just be me getting $5 while you get $20 if my art is like..the reason your shirts are selling, lol. I like 50-50 shares usually, but if my art only appears minorly, I'm happy to only recieve a quarter of sales or so.
We can discuss and negotiate this. If i end up getting paid unfairly, you'll be blacklisted and I will report you if I can.
I have the right to refuse projects of disinterest.
Let me know if anything seems unclear here!! There's no stupid questions regarding this stuff :]


I really apologize, but after a long time of doing them and thinking on it, I no longer do customs unless the client is my friend. I will do redesigns on a case by case basis.This is because customs are stressful and a bit too difficult for me within the paygrade I would offer. It stems from having no solid visual reference most of the time, and therefore feeling 'dumber' than usual. My confidence is easier to break when trying and sometimes failing to create their idea because there's no visual basis for what they want and, well...I can't read their mind. It's tiresome to rehaul stuff constantly.This is not the fault of my dear clients. It is not attributed to ANY one person, as lots of people have gotten customs, and were all SO kind. It is circumstantial, both mentally and life-wise for me; I cannot dredge up the mental energy to continue them longterm.
I will still create adopts which you are free to customize and respectfully redesign.



Anything that isnt on my "no" list tbh? Still, i want to put some specifics.- any animal species ever, even if it isnt on my examples. I am confident in depicting any real or fantasy non-humanoid species, biped or quadruped.- mary sues, sparkledogs, "bad" designs, complex designs(with an added fee)- tattoo flashes (can be f2u/public, or only for you)! one tat is a light payment, a flash/sleeve is a medium payment, and a ton of detail on either a single or flash is large payment.
(i won't sign tats unless you want my signature, and you don't have to credit me to everyone who sees the tattoo unless you want to xD)
- fanart-shipping including crack shipping, and self-shipping that isnt against my "no" list. this does include anthro x human! (but not feral, unless character is also turned feral and not nsfw)- pets- light and/or unrealistic gore (so it can be heavier if it's like candy organs or very sparkly blood or whatever)- horror themes, angst, abuse- MMMAYBE STYLIZED HUMANOIDS? im unconfident but ill see. I might say no!!- machinery/mech/robotics, if you dont mind me being a little amateur at it still


As long as its not on the "no" list, I will draw any sexual content, but please note that I'm very amateur at sex poses so I might decline unless you have a reference image of the pose you want. So masturbation, sex, kink scenarios, making out, pinups, etc. all count here, and I can do both simple and detailed genitalia.I do have a list of harmless fetishes/kinks that are off limits too, and you'll have to ask me in DMs to give the list. Any other fetish or kink is likely fine if it's not on or similar to anything on the list. feel free to ask for clarification about list.
I have a list of favorites too if it helps (and any nsfw i upload includes my fave subjects)! But please know that you won't hurt me by making me draw a kink I'm not personally into for work, as long as its not a hard limit! ^^
I really don't bite or judge on anything!
I will also do artistic/nonsexual nudity.You are also only allowed to get drug use themes if 18+ applies to client and subject.

FILTER THIS ART WHEN SHARING. DO NOT ALLOW UNDERAGED PEOPLE TO ACCESS MY NSFW WORK! i get that kids find boobs anyways, but please just be careful and responsible.


-bigotry/hateful subjects-anything targeting any other person, drama, etc- things I personally find uncomfortable because i feel they fetishize abuse or a lack of consent, or simply because i am just uncomfortable with them regardless (although there is distinction to what I dont as well so I want to expand upon that here):

WONT DRAW: lolishota/underage fetish, cub, ABDL, noncon, incest/adopted ships, glorified/cutesy abuse of drugs or another person, and nsfw quadruped/realistic animal anatomy or genitals

OK WITH ME: nsfw anthro/kemono (planti or digi leg, as long as theyre bodily humanoid), fantasy alien genitalia, pup gear/petplay, SFW agere, SFW baby or young characters, adult characters in diapers (remember, disabilities and sfw agere exist), almost any dark content that isnt glorified (will let you know if i cant!), and shipping between characters who MAY be theorized BY FANON to be siblings, yet have no proof in canon to be/see each other that way, even if they share a caretaker.

- any media that is actively promoting or centered around bigotry, along with glorification of bigoted things in otherwise fine media. like...south park and harry potter are definitely out. but im expanding again with my own nuance:

everything ever has issues. if a main goal of the piece is not to spread hate (south park), or creepiness, or the media is not a direct tool to spread hate (Harry potter), im likely fine.
an example is most anime and anime games with racism/homophobia/fatphobia etc. and pedophilic tropes being baked into anime culture, but are otherwise fine as stories. One example may be Persona/SMT. Non-anime like Homestuck is another example of an OK media for me.
Again, I'll only decline if the piece is centered AROUND the flaws.
I will let you know if I'm personally uncomfortable with a media. there's even harmless media I'm not okay with so just ask . I won't assume bad faith!

- realistic heavy gore- real people- custom designs, or anything without pre-existing visual(s)

By continuing, you are agreeing to me that you read everything the best you could and will come to me up front with any questions. You will not make assumptions about me or my process.

i do a fluctuating amount of slots per month. here is the status on those, they'll always be up to date!

here are art examples with prices! Please note that not all of this is my most recent work.
Please check out my newgrounds to see art that is otherwise not shown!


i do a fluctuating amount of slots per month. here is the status on those, they'll always be up to date!

these are open ALL year, every day. you can always get one, unlike illustrations. 24/7, yes even during artfight, you can ask!!

STATIC-50x50 and 60x60-
no bg: $10 (can also pay in discord nitro gift)
bg $15
-70x70 and up-
no bg: $20
bg: $25
complexity can bump this up to $35 or so, however!
ANIMATIONSstatic blink (no other anim besides blink) AND/OR static with moving sparkles: +$3small animation (see more info below) +$15complexity fees apply on top of everything here case-by-case depending on how complex your character is.-

50x50 and 60x60

70x70 and up

ANIMATED (pixels and some smaller other things, why not? it's like a mix of the banner section and a pixel. unsure of what to put it as lol)

- animations are small, as I am not an experienced animator. please understand that this is an experimental slot.
- I can send the animation progress how you'd like, be it a static pixel first and then the frames I "tweened"/added on, or sketch frames of animation.
I apologize, but carrd continues to give me errors when attaching animated examples. Please click here to see the examples.

-Pixels can only have 1 character per canvas except for case by case 150x150, but I can do matching ones.
-Minimum pixel doll canvas size is 50x50, max is 150x150 (otherwise I consider it more of an illustration and not open all year unless you want a larger simple banner). can do anything in between.
-I am begging you to specify canvas size upon messaging please idk what size to make it for you and it can seriously affect how the pixel looks.


paying me!

THESE are art types which are only open on the month ranges specified on the previous page... my personal illustrations!!I am incredibly lenient and versatile, so i make RANGES based on detail alone, and what i specifically charge fluctuates based on complexity, background, or how much of the body is shown.
You will see a lot of different brush styles, coloring styles, and sometimes me trying to do an old "oekaki furry" style. If you want something specific, ask! I can do lots of things with brushes, coloring, experimental work, canvas resolution, etc. I cannot animate these yet.
pictures go in order of detail/price of range!


cute simple and sketchy$20-40 per Fullbody character (+halfbody only adds half price; +headshot only ~quarter) but I can do a sketchpage for $25 plus any complexity fees, as a discount!
price estimate in order of picture:
$20, $20, $25, $25, $30, $35, $35, $40, $40 (two $20 characters)


a bit more detailed but usually no or little background, and not as detailed as it can go$45-60 per fullbody character (+half, sketchy, or chibi = half price, headshot = ~quarter) but I can do an experimental sketchpage like the last for $60 (discount!). any complexity fees could apply on top of all this.price estimate, in order:
$45, $45, $45, $50, $50 (large-style, but only a head), $55 (large-style, but only up to about the waist), $50 (two $20 characters + bg $10), $60]


the full potential. Can have a full and tangible backdrop/environment. Will do a fully colored sketchpage where i go crazy for $100 (discount!). complexity fees apply to all, I can do a complex character large but it could be over $100!$70-100+ per fullbody character (+half, sketchy, or chibi = half price, headshot = quarter)price estimate, in order:
$70, $75, $80, $80, $90, $90-100 (depends on bg and character detail; this is a simple character), $100, $120, $150 as a composition, note the bg characters, but the complexity of the subject and the bg would specifically make this closer to $200.

feel free to ask the price I'd put on any specific style of piece in my gallery! I tried to be diverse in my examples, but again, I'm very versatile.I do have a folder of examples showing how I draw nude bodies or raunch/kink, along with some adult-filtered Newgrounds and toyhouse uploads, but you'd have to privately ask if youre interested. These examples all utilize appropriate age locking. I do not endorse nor am i responsible for non-consenting parties who breach these filters.

So! Do you want to get a pixel or an illustration?

paying me!

Vouchers/volunteer payers are totally okay! please just have the voucher attach a note saying they are not the client!I take payments via paypal, either upfront or invoice, whatever youd like! I can also do ko-fi.
I will now accept discord nitro, for $10 pixels! I do not accept other gift cards. Aside from that, I do NOT take ANY form of ficticious or otherwise non-monetary compensation. Examples: You cannot do an alternate task for me, I will not take "Diamonds" in some app as payment.
Large commissions have the option to halve payment before sketch and then send the rest after sketch has been approved.
ex. $100 commission can be halved into two $50s.
The same is NOT true for medium, light, or pixel commissions.
You should do "for goods and services" unless you seem as though you know me. Saying anything about covering my paypal transaction fees or doing friends and family could get my paypal account frozen or banned. tip me afterwards if you like my stuff and are concerned!Once you pay, i add you to a queue which i will tell you where you are and an estimated time to recieve a sketch update.PLEASE NOTE: the sketch will be more like a "concept" and will be rough and therefore slightly to moderately altered during completion (keeping all of the same pose and style and such ofc) because there are parts I want to depthen/change perspective of/etc. I can absolutely make something more like the og for you, but the end image may be not exactly like the sketch just because I naturally change stuff as I polish. If you are unhappy with that, I will refund 100% of your money, as I will quit working with you out of a lack of confidence- sorry! ^^; you still have full rights to the sketch so long as you credit me.I only do art trades with people I follow (feel free to ask if I do). This isn't all the time though, so I may even say no to mutuals! I'm highly busy!!
I will not take any haggle prices and I only do commissions for real money, not virtual currency or cryptocurrency.

I will only give refunds before or during the sketch stage, unless there is an emergency, or I feel i cannot work with you without sacrificing my mental health any longer (this only happens if youre rude or never sure of what you want/like lol). Refunds will not be entirety unless I have not started work yet- i will keep a fraction based on the hours of progress I've put in.
I implore you to make sure you will be financially stable through the entire process ahead of time before commissioning, and remain polite and easy to work with, so that refunds will not have to happen.

i think thats it! again message me with any questions!! also PLEASE tell me if this is not accessible in any way! your interest, communication and tip$ r appreciated ^.^cute sexy fonts brought to u by